Monday, January 11, 2010


2010 is starting great!!!!! I found the diamonds that i thought i have lost during the move last year.... alongside a gift from europe which at that moment i tried desperartely to find coz  i thought it was imporant... Anywayz... the thing is.... i have given up the hope on finding them again... N then all of a sudden... it appeard put of nowhere.... well, not nowhere but underneath the liner of a suitcase....  People always say that once you stop looking for something... it will resuface... This is when i had my epiphany....

不要驚動愛情 by 鄭秀文 (Sammi Cheng)

很想輕撫你 所以避開你
寧願用距離 去令你好奇
迴避過眼神 先偷偷喘氣
吩咐手臂 放在原地
傳聞浪漫太快 愛戀都走得快
才會  遲遲未步向你 說一世愛護你

情太過洶湧像深海 而我卻會忍耐
還沒有相擁別意外 神教會我等待
待情流像細水 才去承諾你

很心急擁抱 所以在禱告
求甜蜜以前 帶著你慢步
遊歷過旅途 等一天終老
生老病死 一起細數
原來慢慢靠近 更珍惜這一吻
而我 停留是為了你 要給予你護蔭

能為愛戀學習按耐 情信寄進心內
連地老天荒亦不更改 時間永遠等待
等你情願那天 才去承諾你

我用沈默叫醒愛情 你用期待做你反應

So.... This is what happened.... i thought... if things tend to appear when you are not searching for it..... then why couldn't everything else in life appear the same way?  And then i realized this is happening to me in other aspects of my life as well... My new oppurtunity in 2010 has came up when i wasn't looking.... So prehaps if i stop looking for love then maybe it will pop up at my front door!  hahahha i know this is über corny but it's the fault of this song hahhahah... ANYHOW..... just think of this as BLAH of THE DAY!


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